Saturday, June 3, 2017

Its not that I don't have

anything to do today, I'm just being a bit lazy. In the spirit of that a friend of mine asked me if I'm ready for retirement? He sounded like an advert but by being ready he meant, what will I be doing with my time off? I had to remind him that I'm low income and that I'll still be working but not as much. Maybe 3 days a week. With so many lodges in the City there's enough lodges to keep me out and visiting at least once a week. However, I can only do this because of my wife. 

I can cover my monthly payment on Novation Circuit for June and I hope to be on unemployment before my July payment. I have enough for July just in case my unemployment  doesn't come in before my due date. In the Circuit Facebook owners group, a member has developed an iPad app for Circuit. It probably wont work on my iPad 2. I asked the developer if there's any chance that this app will allow for recording a track fro Circuit right into the iPad? If the app is successful he said he could add more functionality. My only problem with Circuit is in getting audio onto a sd card, or uploaded to the cloud, or even a daw. On the sd card, I need a audio recorder. Into a daw, I need a 2x2 audio midi interface. The cloud? Not sure but that might need a back end of some kind from Novation. 

I'm kind of following the hockey game tonight. Its on at 6pm, Pittsburgh/Nashville. Most likely this series will go 7 games. I'll watch a bit of the 1st and doze off here and there on the couch. If all goes well, Anne could get me a Red Robin burger from across the street. She has a half price coupon for their specialty burger. She's out of here from 4-10 for today. Anyway, that's all for now.

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