Wednesday, June 21, 2017

We had a storm blow by here

about 7pm yesterday. All we got out here were a few branches on the grass, some medium rain and gusty winds. They got it worse off in Red Deer, where shingles were torn off roofs, trees downing power lines where 20,000 people are without power over night. 

By now the news is out about the 75 Nazi artifacts uncovered in Argentina. What's cool about this is that the find was in a secret room behind a bookcase. Apparently there was a silver plated Ouija board, mugs, and a bunch of other stiff. There were also some photographs as well.

This is interesting: On August the 21st, there is a Total solar eclipse. Unfortunately for yours truly, I wont be able to see  it, since its path is way to the South of me in the US. Why is this interesting? My 65th birthday is August 21st. How cool is that? This might be a good omen to play some black jack.

I was going to go down to Provincial pension to submit a form the other day but since I need to pick up my pay cheque on the way, I might aw well do both at the same  time. I hope not but because the way I've been going this might be my curtain call for this company. Anyway, that's all for now.

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