Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I had a great day today on the job

==I felt good going into work even though it was something like -25 with a wind chill out there. I had a decent morning with 2 sales by break and $100 bucks on the card. I realized to late but I had left my Itouch on for way to long draining out my battery. I was listening to some of the missed podcasts of SF Signal on the way into work. Gerry was saying “pitch them high gets them to buy, pitch them no gets a no.” So, I rewrote my script and began with a full page add. I got a nibble by afternoon break. I was invited to call back and got a run-a-round but the guy called me back saying the full page ad was a go and I got it on a card. I was kinds of hoping it would get under the skin of a certain little twerp that turned on me. I thought he was a friend but no way and I could (being on the other side of the cubicles) could feel his jealousy. The boss had left for the day as they are getting ready for a managers meeting in Calgary for Thursday. So I never got any recognition for it but if it is on cold and I get 25% of that then I’ll be enjoying the commission is all the recognition I need thank you very much.

Anyway the rest of the afternoon went along well and I packed everything up and headed out the building in the bitter cold. I think it was something like -35 with the wind chill on my way to Corona station. Fortunately I didn’t have very far to go. I got a seat all the way home feeling good about my days production with $830 on card. It kind of made up for missing Monday.

I’m not really comfortable with my vocal capabilities singing practice songs in FL Studio. I’ve got this nasal kind of a tone to my singing when I try to sing “high notes.” I know with vocal processing software I can change all of that. I have the basics ok, I just need to take all of that nasal bits out by doing some pitch correction.

I was seriously entertaining the idea of going to Redwood Lodge earlier this evening but its so cold out there I decided well, my Lodge is Thursday (tomorrow night so I stayed home.)Anyway, that‘s all for now.

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