Tuesday, August 14, 2018

We're about to get into another heat wave

but nothing like +30* or anything like that. We've got some +25's, 26's that sort of thing. My birthday week is next week (August 21st) and I'll be 66. And no, I don't feel like💩I'm hoping for some nice weather next week.

Yesterday I went into the General (downtown) Hospital for my appointment. I had very little sleep and I was fasting. I wasn't in a very good mood. I hadn't been in that hospital since 1981when I had a lacerated finger/tendon. I had trouble finding where I needed to be. They had a nice little cafeteria there. Good thing I brought a bit of cash with me. An employee saw me a bit confused, and I said I had a 2pm appointment (Community Care) She was very helpful and I checked in. Sure enough. I had a bit of a wait, to read 3 pages of my book. Somebody took me into a little Doctors office and did a ultra sound scan of some kind. Then a tickle thing with my feet. He seemed pleased with that. The a right toe test and I had some paper work to fill, out. That was it. I went to the cafeteria and got a diet coke and the bus outside to Corona station and home. The whole purpose of the visit was to establish if I had cvi. I did and depending on my income, (excluding pension money of course) I'll be able to get my compression stockings at a discount.

I'm not doing much today but preparing for a possible Live stream Saturday. I'm not sure if I want to get the Nintendo Switch first or a couple VST's. I can always get Switch in October, or black Friday. The VST's I can get them in about ten days. We'll see. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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