Monday, November 20, 2017

Its a cold November

Monday but at least its sunny and feels like -24 with the wind chill. That's ok because after its starts warming up to single digit numbers.

It was interesting to hear the passing of Charles Manson this last weekend. His passing away is no love lost that's for sure. Even when Manson burst on the scene I was 17. We got the same news about what happened like everyone else did. At that age just recovering from my back operation, in a body cast, most teens of my generation were interested in Woodstock and the Hippy movement. Charles Manson was at the time a peripheral character to what was going on at the time in the broader sense of the term. To me the name Charles Manson barely registered into my daily life back then. I had other fish to fry.  

Despite the crappy Oilers and the bad decision making of the Eskimo's in the CFL Western finale, Survivor series made up for it. The trouble (I think) with the Oilers this year they have a target on their backs. What with making it to the 3rd round and nearly to the finale, plus all of the accolades of McDavid, the huge upcoming salaries, yeah I can see why the Oilers would have a target on their jerseys. As for the Eskimo's, we gave up 6 points on field goal attempts due to the wind, and add the lack of ball security (fumbles) and bad decision making by the head coach, is what cost the Esks the game. On the other hand, Survivor series made up for it. AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar, wow. Even the main event was a off the chart wow. Tonight is going to be interesting.

As for today, I had to call in and rebook a Doctors appointment for the 30th and its off to work back home for wrestling. I'm also trying to get Telus to walk me through how to set up my new Nintendo 3ds Xl since they replaced our modem a few months ago. I'll be doing that. Anyway, that's all for now.

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