Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why do these

software developers need to make software so difficult to register? The Addictive Drums install was a lot easier then I thought. To get it going inside FL Studio 9, I ad a channel click on Addictive Drums and it pops up in my Step Sequencer. I click on this and the AD panel pops up. The trouble I'm having is I authorized the demo ok but when I call up from my step sequencer in FL I see the AD panel behind the authorization process. They have my regkey. I enter the special number they generated for my computer and a Remove button pops up. I ignored it and began again and they say I have registered this product for 2 computers and the 10 day grace period countdown is under way.

Last night I watched Star Trek 3 "The search for Spock". I really enjoyed it. The only Star Trek's I didn't like were Deep Space 9 and the animation TV shows. I loved Enterprise and was disappointed when it was taken off the air. Other then the STOS and STNG, this has been the longest gap between any Star Trek TV shows since stos and next gen. I hope we don't have to wait 13 years for another television Star trek, or in this case 8 more years.

We're in the middle of a long weekend here in Canada and I'm loving it. Yesterday I felt my first bumble bee whizing along side my ear. I protected it making sure the cats didn't get at it and positioned the fan towards it in hopes the wind would blow it outside. It worked but it got trapped between the screen door the window cell and the frame but it found it's way outside after I closed the screen all the way.

What I like about Addictive Drums is on the Beats page, you can get a loop that you like in Verse, Chorus and Bridge modes. Plus FL Studio's Edison can record the loop into the piano roll and the loop can be edited from there. For example if there's too much open high hats I can edit them out as needed. I really like this product if only I can stabilize the Authorization process.

Today its brunch, Doctor Who, Game #5 of the Canucks/Sharks game. If the Canucks don't win this, they could be in big trouble come game #6 and could be faced with elimination. What screwed it for them was in game #4 when a Canuck forward took that stupid penalty behind Sharks goaltender. the Sharks took advantage of that and it was all Sharks in that home game. The Canucks really need a win on foreign turf tonight to get back in this series or up next Wednesday night they could face elimination.

Its so nice outside, little wind, warm about 20C although we could use some rain over night Anyway, that's about all for now.  

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