Monday, May 16, 2011

Yesterday while watching

Yesterday while watching hockey and Doctor Who, my daily does of our local news got put on the back burner. I discover while watching the weather channel this morning that the town of Slave lake 250 Km north of us got completely wiped out by a grass fire. Hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed. The whole town! Apparently it started by a grass fire and burned almost every house in the community including the Town hall as well. Other then black Friday 1987, which I lived through, this was the second largest disaster in Alberta‘s history. Incredibly no loss of life occurred.

The other news story I heard just before Monday night Raw, was that the NHL 2011-12 schedule is printed and apparently it has in it The Winnipeg Jets. I can not confirm or deny this but local news said that its almost certain that Atlanta Thrashers will be coming to Winnipeg. Wow! This doesn‘t make sense because last year the schedule wasn’t made public until a few days before the 2010 draft.

Ok Ubuntu is installed but I can’t get my wifi settings worked out. Vinay said something about “Refresh hardware devices.” I cant find that in my control panel, so I’m going to mention this to Keith and bring my laptop in on Wednesday.

It was this day Friday May 16th I recall that special weekend when Richard/Ellen and I were all together 31 years ago. The more I thnk about it the more I'm leaning over to the possibility that Richard didn't deposit his stuff in E because even though she was on the pill, she was only recently taking it. She might have got pregnant by Richard but i don;t think so.

So this morning I’m out there waiting for my bus and I know there are two Not in Service (Nis) buses that tear past me a minute or so apart. Ok the 2 Nis buses whiz by. Then I see what looks like my bus make a right turn onto 137th. I see a bus in crossing the street North of the 4 way and another that scoots behind. So I got 3 buses. The one in the turning lane and two coming up to the light standard. The 3rd Nis bus is in the turning lane. 3rd? The 4th Nis bus whips past me. Meanwhile the bus that actually had passengers behind the Nis bus doesn’t know that the bus in front of it is an Nis bus so it whips out into the turning lane thinking its going to pick me up. That’s 5 buses! Unbelievable! Finally I could see a bus coming down the Manning bridge. Is this the one? Finally it was and I got to the Clairview station at 8:15am and missed my train. I was getting a headache and my mood wasn’t exactly the best. I said to myself that if I don’t get any sales, I’m going home at noon. So in walks Carl to sit beside me. I like Carl. A year older then me. Good guy. So he says he’s leaving at noon already pre arranged and just before noon, no sales. I was getting a headache and my mood wasn’t helping me get any sales. Ten minutes into the 2nd half, I get a $100 sale and that’s all I got all the rest of the day. To say my day was long, is an understatement. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

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