Friday, September 28, 2012

I've had a couple of slow days

on the job and got pulled into the office for some "call analysis" etc. 

Wednesday at lunch I went down to Rexall under a beautiful autumn afternoon and got a $15 iTunes card and half of a Subway and walked back to the office ate what I could and began the shift. At the break I peeled back the numbers to go into iTunes to order iPhoto but about 10% of the redeem code pealed off. When I got home that night I I took a photo of the back of my iTunes gift card and the receipt in the same photo. I got a response back the following day with the full code. 

Last night when I got home to order iPhoto and installed, it didn;t have what I was hoping for: A way to remove (not delete the photos) back into iTunes but so far I don't know where that could be in my iTunes library. 

This weekend I've got to prepare a bit of a financial report on the Lodge BBQ as October is election month. I hope I have no opposition to my SW chair. Also, our crop pot here at home has fried wiring and I'm paying for a new one (about $20 Walmart.) Festive board for next Thursday is soup and buns and cookies for desert. I'm going to find out how many guys are going to be there and then work from there. We usually have about 15 guys and 2 tables for the festive board.  

So far on my NFL office pool, I won twice but we're changing the format around a bit instead of the participant that has the most games on that week we're going to have a point spread kind of a system. Anyway, that's about all for now. 

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