Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ok, as much

 as Ultimate has a few more things in it then KU8, Guitar Rig Pro 5 is $200 as a stand alone product.

I’m having some trouble over managing my photos on my New iPad as they’re taking up 7.8 Gb of space and are the main reason why my iPad hard drive space is so filling up. IPhoto apparently is pretty good at managing photo albums and videos but in order for me to get IPhoto I need to purchase it through ITunes and here’s the thing, I first have to upgrade the new iOS 6 and I lose YouTube. It also means I have to buy a YouTube app and there isn’t a YouTube app for the New iPad yet. Not that both products are expensive or anything it’s just a level of annoyance. I don’t even know if I can remove photo albums, which is taking all my hard drive space. It also means I have to buy another iTunes gift card for $25. It also means getting up a little bit earlier sometime this week and run down to Future shop to get one. My first experience in getting a ITunes gift card the numbers pealed off and I don’t know if Future Shop would peal off the sticker of a back of the card from the rack for me so I can buy it that way.

On the news they were talking about how in a few special cases Canada and Great Britain are about share some embassies as a cost sharing measure so here’s Mulcair whining in Parliament how we‘re getting to cozy with Gb losing our sovereignty etc. Oh brother. 

Ok 12 hours later, I had a decent kind of a day today, very windy on my way in. I had a decent afternoon pulling in about $225 and $200 on card. All day I had $325/$225 on card so I had a decent day. We have a little pre kick off before we log in and the boss reads out the more notable totals, so most likely I’ll get a nod tomorrow.

I had to run down to the store just before 5pm before it closed and get another bottle of diet cola as I was running low. I drank almost a liter of my daily 2L and I knew what I had left over wouldn’t last.

I got a few sales after 5pm but not many. So I had a decent day for  an acq campaign.Anyway, that's all I have for now.

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