Monday, July 11, 2016

I wasn't going to make a post today

as I didn't have a lot I wanted to share. I've been blogging a lot lately because I've had time off to do it. A couple of posts a week ought to do it under normal conditions, one would think. I've got other stuff to do, then just Blogging.

I called the Alberta (Adult ) Health Benefit program (ahb) as I was concerned about the postal strike. How would I be able to get the ahb program application form? The strike has been averted. Good news. Apparently as a couple we would be able to access the ahb program if we had a income of under $23,212 since January 2016, say what? That in itself is half our annual rent. Sure I haven't had a lot of work recently, and Anne works part time. Also, this program for me would last us up until I turn 65, next August 2017. From there its another program called Alberta seniors. Anne would still qualify to remain on the ahb program, even when I'm on the senior's program. So in the meantime, I'm unable to get my teeth fixed, and forget about eye ware until after I turn 65. We'd be really up against it if I didn't have access to my pcn for insulin. I can't even get test strips unless I pay out of pocket, and at $100 for a box of 100, so much for that idea. I'd get more respect if I was a new comer to this country or if we had kids or if I was a middle class Canadian. My contact at the ahb program is sending us out an application anyway but its not going to do us a lot of good. There are things that Alberta Health does cover for,and if it wasn't for them, I would not have been able to get into a hospital for my diabetes back in 2004. If I had access to social services (welfare), then I'd have access to all of the above. At the moment Anne and I are just waiting for the next 12 months to unravel and then I can go on pension. Until then I'm grateful she has her part time job, and I have casual work. I still think we're better off then some people. For what it is, we at least have an income coming in. Its not all that bad.

Tonight I'm strapping myself in for 3 hours of Monday night raw. Anne's out getting lab work done, and investigating the possibility of us getting some kind of rental subsidy. That's what she's doing now. The good news is we have a roof over our heads, the bills are paid and some groceries. If I don't get any work for the 2nd half of this month, well that's another conversation. Anyway, that's all for now.

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