Saturday, April 29, 2017

Its been a somewhat

busy couple of days, what with bank and pension stuff, holding down 2 part time jobs. Not to mention following and watching Oilers hockey games in between all of that. It's been, interesting.

On my market research job we're just wrapping up fascinating survey on Electric Vehicles (ev's). Wednesday night when the Oilers/Anaheim game was on after 8pm the flow rate on this survey just dropped. So my higher ups decided to call the shift at 8 instead of 9pm last night. I was in the office by 3pm yesterday so I could get the full 5 hours. on my cheque I got an unexpected surprise of stat pay from Good Friday. The City of Edmonton is about to launch a Electric Vehicle Strategy Campaign. We need a 50/50 gender split. No age quotas. Some of the main concerns are charging the battery of a ev. Ev battery's don't work very well in Edmonton's often -20* winter weather. Other concerns are about charging time. I can fully charge my iPod with about 10% into the red in about 40 minutes. Some common questions in the survey are what about charging stations? The City of Edmonton (coe) has about 30 charging units scattered all over the city. I'm sure there will be an app showing the charging stations in use. Other concerns are, parking stalls for charging. So do ev owners charging their ev's just sit there and wait for an hour have a nap or whatever? It's not very efficient use of one's time. Most likely charging stations will be at one's place of employment,eventually. The survey asks about ev rebates as ev's are about $12,000 more expensive then non ev's. If a ev and charging station rebate were offered, would that shape a potential buyers decision to buy a ev? What about traveling between destinations, like from Edmonton/Leduc, or Drayton Valley/Rocky Mountain house, or Edmonton/Swan Hills? How well will the ev battery charge hold up? The survey also addressed ethical concerns like coal to produce electricity that charges an ev or renewables to charge an ev. Its all fine and well to have ev's but there's a price to pay somewhere. Autonomous cars make more sense to me, especially in this climate. But asking people to give up their vehicle driving control, is kind of like asking a senior to give up driving because they are too old. For seniors its like taking away one's independence. About halfway into the shift. My phone number came up in the sample rate with the appropriate case #. We don't do this all the time and in the last 2 years I've been there, I've never been asked to do the survey from my point of view. I didn't know how to do this. one of my other colleagues was in the same position I was, so I'll ask her next week when we have another project. I still know the 4 digit case number. At the moment ev's are not mainstream enough for the consumer. Ev's right now are like where cell phones were in the 1980's. The last day of calling on this project is today. 

With a bit of this and that this morning, I'll be waiting in our (finally) completed city bus shelter to head out on my Saturday morning commute. The bus bench is still blocking the bus patrons inside from the driver seeing anyone inside from the street. Thanks to ETS bus tracker I can track my ride within a minute. So this morning I'm at my other job on the South Side. Its a easy 4 hour shift ending at 2:15. I'm considering picking up my Horus Heresy book at Audrey's. I may as well. My LM account isn't due until the 15th and I still have another pay cheque to cover that and a small cheque to cover June's payment. I just need to watch my spending. I'm trying to save enough for 3 payments, that will take me through, July, August September. I might have birthday cash late August. I want my credit to be in good standing with this place. I'm considering another account for my first synthesizer. I'm really leaning towards the semi modular Moog mother 32, or an Eventide H9 effects pedal. I plan on using the Eventide with my Novation Circuit. I like the Eventide's harmonizer.

This weekend I have WWE's payback, on Sunday and Anaheim/Oilers game #3. I'm sure Sunday's game outcome will be a lot different then last nights game. The other thing about the job I'm going to this morning, is the last day of calling is on the 19th. Anyway, that's all for now.

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