Monday, May 15, 2017

Taking a break from doing some

memory work for the lodge June 1st. I do a bit each time. Its a small passage of a prayer I'm doing for a special night in lodge.

I got upon the late side of things this afternoon doing some diary writing, email stuff. Jakob Haq of "Haq attack" updated a video he posted the other day as he was a bit out of sync. The video was a 2 hour long walkthrough of a video he did with a app. That was most of my afternoon. Anne made our late brunch and I watched some of the Preds/Ducks game #2 and watched a bit of Hogan's Heroes. Mostly on You Tube all night. I think other then sports and the news, I'd rather just have You Tube. So it was a lazy kind of day today for Mothers day. Anne was out and about doing her stuff. It's been overcast all day, on the cold side of about 8* if that. I went out on the balcony to get a bit of air around dusk.

This is my last week if my Southside job. I'm not sure if there is a extension. We only met our goal last year because there was an extension. We're not even 50% of our goal. Heads could roll between campaigns when we resume again in September. I'm back at the market research job Tuesday, to see where this is headed and what we're doing next, if anything. I'm back, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (last day of my Southside job) One thing is for certain with my market research job: I'm not going to be playing this "call Friday for an update, (nothing over the weekend, call Monday) kind of a thing. As soon as that happens, I'm requesting my roe. I have more then enough hours for ei from what ei has on file from the Southside job and when this is done for a ei claim. It takes 4-6 weeks before I get anything from the claim. I'm kind of hoping things will slow to a halt with my market research job.

We're getting a bit of over night rain. Our local weather has been on the cooler side this month so far. We had a few warm days last week. Anyway, that's all for now.

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