Thursday, March 29, 2012

Next Tuesday after the weekend I'm almost attempted

to drop $100 into my Scotia account towards my new laptop as I have no firm date ahead when Revenue Canada (RC) will send me my tax refund. I want to have at least $700 available for the new laptop before I'm ready to buy it. If RC has a check in the mail for me say next week, I could have the funds for the laptop by the end of the month but everything is subjected to the whim of the mail. However, I hope that say I get the funds the before the weekend I want to order. I'll call Best Buy ask if they have any in stock. If so, I'll go after work on a Saturday get the laptop and make sure that the connector plug is working, last time it wasn't even threaded in. I want to check out the hard drive capacity, the webcam mic and then make my purchase. I don;t think they'll let me do that because it will void the warranty. 

Often I like to check out the Beatles on YouTube and there is this outdoor shot of them doing a song from the album "Help" from 1965 and it looks like they are on a military range. I did some research about this and they were at a place not even on the map called "Knighton Downs and woods." The Beatles did this location for 3 days Monday May 3rd, Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th. I was 12 years old when that film (Help) was being made. What was remarkable was that at the time, the story goes that on that Sunday late at night a black limousine pulled up to the Antrobus Arms hotel and parked the car in the garage and the Beatles checked into the hotel where they would stay for those 3 days. Somehow the word got out that the Beatles were there and apparently the limo was looted of Beatle hats cloths etc as hoards of teenage girls blocked the way the Beatles needed to get to to do the filming for the movie. How did these girls know that the Beatles were even coming to their town? It's not like they had Twitter or anything like that. That was 47 years ago, crazy.

Tonight on Coast the topic is about Science breakthroughs such as biology and astronomy and later on artificial intelligence (AI) Should be a good show. As for me, I'm about ready for bed soon.

It was slow going for me in the afternoon yesterday but others were at $50-$80 somewhere in there. Best I could do for the first half was $25. All I got was seniors and the unemployed and answering machines. I did better in the evening as most of my sales were done after 5pm. I got a $100 sale and $50 on card, all day. Anyway, that's about all from me for today.          

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