Monday, June 22, 2015

Back at it today

heading out of here about 2pm for another 5.5 hour shift. I'll be doing that all week. Saturday 10-6pm.

Over there at Connect 2 Edmonton forum there's an interesting topic on Minimum income vs Minimum wage. The for minimum income would be that everyone wold be getting a minimum income or "mincome." It would cut out a lot of paperwork but also at the same time where is the incentive for people to work if they don't have to? This mincome notion was advanced by Trudeau sc in the 1970's. This is why even when I'm on pension I need to work. One does not retire from life. Anyway, the discussion is here.

I just caught this on the Coast site: Will the leap second on June 30 break the internet? Experts fear added time could cause computer chaos On June 30, at 23:59:59 GMT, the world's clocks will add an extra second. This is to account for discrepancy between 'Earth' time and 'atomic' time. But experts warn it could wreak havoc to systems powering the internet. It may cause some systems to crash while others will be half a second off. Its an interesting dilemma. As a result the computer sees a leap second as time going backward, causing a system error and the CPU to overload. Most of the above was taken from this site, you can read here.

Since I started this job I usually am out by 9:25pm and I can get the 9:30pm bus to Corona station. I'm usually home by 10:30 in which case, I'll miss the first half hour of wrestling. Anyway that was a good week off.

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