Saturday, June 20, 2015

Instinct kicked in shortly before midnight

and I thought to check my phone call display. Our isp records who called and sure enough my place of employment tried calling Wednesday shortly after 1pm. That's why we need our vm activated. It could have been to tell me the project has been delayed for a week or two or for me to come in Thursday for training. It's not like at the other place where its a conference call between multiple offices. I just need a minimum amount of instruction and I'm ready to start. 

So yesterday I left out of here for my Doctors appointment noticing signs by the Muttart lands Brookfield residential popping up all over the place by Stadium South of the lrt tracks. I arrived to my Doctors appointment right on time. I got weighed at 204Lbs for my height I'm just about 40lbs overweight. I seem to recall my first visit my weight (2008) was about 260. I dropped a lot of weight over the last 7 years. I got another form for my X-ray and one was faxed over to that office. After that I went to this seniors office and they said that the Federal Government will prompt me a year from now to apply by sending me a form in the mail or through Service Canada via my email to apply. After that I went to Corona station to get a bus to City Centre mall. I decided why not go to Rickies? I treated myself to a burger and a beer. After that upstairs to Coles and I got a Warhammer 40K book, "The Grey knights" omnibus. I've got about 4 more omnibus books to get. Since I haven't been in City Centre mall for a long time, gone was the stationary store (formally Wilson's) but The Source (radio shack) was still there and on my way out there was a Tim Horton's. Cool. I got my train and I was  home by 4pm.

The only casualty of last night was (I think) that the British open preempted the Esks/Lions CFL game. I did see some of the highlights on the news so there must have been some TV coverage. The good news is Esks won 18-13. They're off to a great start.

Also in the news Telus was saying they are investing $1B to fiber every subscriber home over the next 6 years. Its at no charge to subscribers. It means that currently, broadband internet is 25 megabits per second. With fiber, Internet speeds will go up to 150 megabits per second. According to Telus only about 10% of North America uses Fiber. This is a highly significant announcement.

So having learned that my place of employment actually tried to reach me Wednesday, and me leaving a vm message last night, means I'm up shortly before 10am to find out whats going on. If there is nobody answering the phone at 10am, then that could tell me that the project has been delayed. Actually if that's the case, I could use a week or two off. Anyway, that's all for now.

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