Sunday, June 14, 2015

We're on the cooler side of mid June

but the air is still nice. We usually get most of our rain in June but its been dry lately. This June holds a special moment for me because it was 35 years ago today Sherwood Park Medieval days was underway. It would almost be this hour that the SCA awards were about to be decreed to members for various deeds within their respective SCA bodies. Everyone was in full costume. Since the SCA was the main attraction and I led the two groups (Edmonton and Calgary) the day before in the parade. I thought I'd get an award. I was a bit naive at the time. I recall that weekend was rain free but raining in my heart. I had a lot on my mind for a 28 year old. It's in my diary. Unfortunately there is no more medieval days but it went from 1964-1967 and then the Kinsmen Club. At one time it even had a midway. The last Medieval Days was held May 2002, 13 years ago.

For the most part Anne and I are night owls. On a Saturday night we're up until about 5am. Around 4am that's when we  had a power outage this morning. It lasted for about 40 minutes. Power was out from 50th street to Victoria trail South of 137th ave. I was concerned if it went on all day we could miss our WWE wrestling pay-per-view and miss out on "Money in the bank." Next to Wrestlemania its the wrestling pay-per- view we like the most. Now that we can get all 12 of them on the WWE network. Money in the bank starts at 5pm. Last night both my sports teams won: Chicago won in Tampa Bay 2-1  (game #6 Monday) as the Esks/Riders game was under way in Fort McMurray in a pre season game 31-25 Esks. I have tonight.

I need to get that form from the resident manager tomorrow. The form cancels out having us to uproot 15 years of living   (the inspection) We did this twice already and each time the inspector comes in he finds no bed bugs. If he finds evidence of bed bugs, then we have to comply since the inspection (3rd time this year) is on a Friday it would give us some time over the weekend. I can see 1 or 2 bed bug inspections/year but 3-4? That stresses people out and people will move out. We may as well live out of a suitcase. That's not living. I see advantages of having a condo. No need to worry about crap like this but we can't afford a condo. We can barely afford rent here. We're not the only tenants that got the inspection notice. They were handed out all across the complex. Its going to be a busy week for me. Anyway, that's all for now.

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