Sunday, October 22, 2017

The first quarter of the

Eskimo/Lions game was 12-5 Esks. Then the Lions got some momentum and carried that over past halftime, 12-15. When the score was 12-22 I had a feeling we'd lose this one. "I got other things to do here," I said to myself. Time continued to pass. Lets see how badly we lost. 29-29? What? The game is still in progress? We got ourselves a football game! The game went into overtime, we got a td but couldn't convert. We prevented them from matching our score. Finale 29-35. We're in the playoffs! Third in the West 😓 After that string of losses, I never thought the Esks would get to the post season and there's 2 weeks remaining. Sweet.

Trump dropped a bombshell we knew it was coming: He wants to release the JFK files. The finale batch. How did we know this was coming? As a result of the Clay Shaw/JFK case 1974. This was 4 years before the House select committee on Assassinations or the HSCA. The HSCA was similar to the Warren Commission, which took place in 1964. As a result of the Clay Shaw trial it was noted that the JFK files would remain closed until 2017. That's how come we knew Trump's statement would be coming. Clay Shaw and Jim Garrison are deceased. Over the years the Freedom of Information Act has let a lot of redacted documents out already. Personally I don't think the documents remaining will reveal any smoking gun. The so called smoking gun was silenced when Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald was transferred that Sunday 2 days after the assassination. If Oswald was involved as the shooter, knowledge of that went to the grave with him. Or did it? There are a lot of conspiracies over this case; was it an inside job? Was the mob involved? Who shot police officer JD Tippit? What bothers me about this case more then anything else is how did Oswald get the rifle? The official narrative said Oswald purchased the rifle out of a magazine in March of 1963. He bought a money order and  mailed the money order that day, which was on a Tuesday. Oswald was working at Jaggers/Chiles/Stoval the day the alleged money order was purchased. Oswald had perfect attendance. If its believed that Oswald must have had somebody purchase the money order and mail it on his behalf, that is a conspiracy. Here is a really good You Tube video on what I'm talking about. The documents apparently will be released sometime this week.   

I'm not expecting stat pay on my cheque Friday. If its there, then I'll be over to the Southgate Apple store to get my iPad next Saturday. Anne doesn't quite get why I need this device when we already have a iPad. First of all, Apple does not support our iPad 2 with i0s updates. Also, the new i0s music apps are 64 bit and there are a lot of cool apps I'd love to get and some are free but they wont work on our iPad. Those are just a few reasons why I want the new iPad. Sure, I'd like the iPad pro but its a bit out of reach at the moment. If I get stat pay Friday, then I'll get it. If not then I'll get the iPad pro just before Remembrance day. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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