Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Usually I like to get up out of bed

about 11am. This way I can get my morning routine out of the way, sit down with my juice and coffee, get caught up with events overnight, write a blog post, my diary, answer email, that sort of thing. With 2 hours left of  my morning time, most of the above is done.

I got to know Tom Petty's music through the "Traveling Wilburys." I have the 2 CD's. I was never into "The Heartbreakers," but I liked "Full moon fever." I wasn't really a follower of Tom Petty but whenever his music was around, I'd perk up and smile. His music was accessible. Tom petty to me was a Wilbury, then Tom Petty solo. I have a lot of good vibes listening to Tom Petty's music. He had that distinct voice.

Last night on the way home, I didn't think about my iPod Touch. I had it since December 2014. After work, I slip it into my T-shirt pocket before I log off, sign out and dash out for my bus. I couldn't find it when I needed it this morning before bed and I was in a panic looking for it. Most likely its where I left it. I'm anxious about it. Of course since these things have a four digit pass code, its useless to anyone. Only my wife and I know the pass code. I want to pay off my Circuit account next week, not buy a new iPod. Most likely its still there by my station, or Super noticed it and put it in his drawer for when I go in later today. He checks each station, making sure people have the right project code and hours, then he closes off each system one by one. "Oh, Jim left his iPod behind, better put it in my desk."

I'm still reading a bit each day on "Way of Kings." Its a big novel and I'm on page 477/1,258. This author writes well. Its easy to tell that he's making it up as he's going along. Kind of like my approach to "song writing." Incidentally I have a new Circuit track I'm trying to get up onto my You Tube channel but our isp has been very sketchy lately. The isp guy is hear latter this afternoon. Anyway, that's all for now.

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