Tuesday, October 31, 2017

This is one of my

favorite days of the year because Halloween is so fun. Lots of Goblins, witches, spooky stuff. Its fun for trick or treaters and adult kids alike. Halloween weekend is mostly for the adult kids but to day is for the youngsters. I like it because I have a day off. They don't have a day off at the competition or so the supervisor told me when we met by accident last night. I'm still on amicable terms with the people there when the odd time I meet them but they wouldn't tell me what project they are currently doing anymore what I'd tell them what we're currently doing. I mentioned we did election calls but that was history and that's all she got out of me. However though, they are working tonight, and I'm having a night off. Nothing scary about that.

We got a bit of snow this morning but its not staying on the ground. Anne is working tonight so its the busiest time of the year. She's going to try and order Maximus pizza for us from work but if she can't, I've got to call before they send their driver home. Anne is going to call me about it on her break.

Telus is digging things up out by the sidewalk. I think they are digging a trench parallel to the sidewalk, with lines to individual units for their "Pure fiber" optic lines. I'm hoping we can get this service here because this is a older building.  

So yesterday, I put my 6 hours in and I'm in 3-9 again and I'm off for Thursday because of Lodge and I can go do my thing with Service Canada etc. This is a nice break to have but I'm also Friday 3-9 and Saturday 10-3 but I'm saving up for a black Friday computer Our TV is on for the birds/cats (weather channel) as they've been having spooky Halloween theme music and sound affects all day, creaking doors, evil laughter, occasional screams, no cats yet but typical Halloween sounds, love it. Anyway, Happy Halloween everyone, that's all for now.

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