Thursday, October 13, 2011

From yesterday

The first part of the shift didn't work that well as I ended up having a slow start. At break I called Anne and had a brief chat with her. At the half I went down to the pharmacy and the Proline CFL odds were posted. I got my ticket on all 4 games. The 2nd half was a little better and they began “Magic.’ Its December 13th and 14th so we’re calling late and early. I did better in the 2nd half and after the shift one of the guys helped me with my 1Tb external drive as I wanted to reformat it because it was running out of space but upon inspection we found that it had over 750Gb free and 200 something on the drive used. It saves program files as well (applications) except I just can’t launch from the drive. Still it told me what I needed to know
I'm 75% there leaning towards Guitar Pro 6 on Monday. It looks pretty good.

I was kind of having discussion yesterday about the environment and what issues I'd get behind. Well several stand out. Firstly over fishing. This is a big concern of mine why I don't eat seafood anymore. There are animals in the Oceans that need it (fish) more then I do. I think it's selfish for humans to consume this un renewable resource. Farm fish is another matter. Second: Oil tankers. It bothers me that we as consumers still have to send oil by sea. The 3 major contenints have an abundance of oil, why do they have to ship oil by sea? How often is it that we see on the news an oil tanker disaster and the millions of creatures that are affected by this. pardon the detour but I don't have a problem with the Alberta oil sands. It's good for us here in Alberta and good for the Americans. Ethically, "dirty oil" outweighs "conflict oil" in my opinion. We don't need to ship oil to Asia but if the Keystone Xl pipeline doesn't get built, because of some rich environmentalists then by all means, lets ship the oil to China or better yet North Korea.The Americans want "conflict oil," so bad lets give it to them. But in the meantime, there are other markets for our oil even if it means sending the oil by sea to China.Third: Global Warming. I've never been a proponent of GW and this junk science, which for me means I'm a comfortable anti GW'st. Finally, space junk. There's so much crap in orbit its almost becoming a hazard to us all. Instead of spending money on GW alarmists and crazy environmentalists lets put some money towards space junk and how to get rid of it. Now there's a problem Greenpeace should tackle. Just some of the issues that really bug me. 

Last night on Coast the topic was Planet X and the Zeta's, the ET's some believe are from Planet X and have visited us before. Coast had pol asking "What do you believe about the Zeta's?" Out of the 4 topics and 8,654 votes later, the majority believe that they are ETs/interdimensionals with a mixed agenda. Over 2,500 (likeme) don't believe they exists but its a fun topic.

Also, at work in the 2nd half we had the Vancouver/Flyer's game on and I needed the Flyers to win. The only thing that might make my Proline ticket invalid is the shootout win with Ottawa the other night. A shootout might be a Proline tie but I don't think there are any tie games in the NHL. I have $6 riding on the game! Anyway, that’s about all for now.

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