Monday, November 14, 2011

It's coming down now, our first

blast of winter, well heavy snow flurries. This will keep up for the night and this will stay until April.

I took a sleeping pill over night and I woke up around noon and went back to bed. Tonight it's another Monday night Raw. hopefully its a better show then last week. The Oiler's don't play until Thursday.

So US President Obama has decided to bow under pressure from the environmentalists and put a pause on the Keystone XL pipeline.The rational for doing this is to study any environmental impacts on the project. The environmentalists in the US would rather acquire their oil from the middle east/conflict. They say it all has to do with researching alternate green fuel sources but in reality that's a smoke screen for the oil companies that stand to lose billions if Keystone goes through and provide a lot of badly needed jobs in the US. So meanwhile our Premier of Alberta is in Washington trying to figure (More likely a junket get-a-way) out what went wrong. Redford knows what went wrong: The environmentalists put pressure on Obama. End of story. However all is not lost. Harper is even now negotiating to have China buy our oil but with this Asian free trade pact in negotiations, if Harper isn't careful we could lose out on that too. But all we need is to sign on with China and China doesn't look like they're any more warmer to this then we are. Its all politics. So lets see how Americans react when gasoline becomes $7! I hope they choke on it. They don't want our oil why should we cow tow to them when there are other markets?

The other thing going on is this 99% movement. Remember Anonymous a few years ago who's agenda was based on the Scientology ticket? Well in Toronto the other day Anonymous surfaced again saying that if anything happens to the 99% Occupy Toronto squaters that Anonymous will cause cyber havoc in the city They say they are all set up and could take down Toronto's website immediately. I'm wondering if it wasn't Anonymous that took down Sony's PS3 site during the summer? 

Last night's practice went reasonably well even though we had only 4 of us. It lasted for about 2 hours and I was home by 8:30pm. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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