Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August has been one

long month to say the least and I’m glad its almost over. At the moment its +13 out there overcast with a hint of rain in the forecast.

An interesting side note about the Mars rover Curiosity mission “Black eyed peas,” singer had the song “Reach for the stars” beamed down to earth. The first song ever to be sent (downloaded) from another planet. The song was stored on the rover and beamed back to earth. Pretty cool.

Last night a late story reported (must have been a slow news day) but a starving cougar saw what looked a large morsel attacked a woman looking after her 2 puppies in her yard in the small community of Trail BC. There was also another cougar incident in White Rock BC (know it well) So here I go ranting again but what do these Troglodyte “wildlife officials” do? Hunt the poor animal down and kill it. Now I could see this as an option (maybe) if it were say North Vancouver, would it have been too much forward thinking to tranquilize the animal, give it something to eat and then release it between the Columbia river and the US boarder? Unbelievable. Most of these wildlife officials can barely think outside of the handbook. Is my rant unfair? Maybe but I see this kind of thing happening all to often. Why doesn’t Peta get behind an issue like this? Because they’re not to bright either. I don’t blame the woman that was attacked and she probably would have hoped for a better option then what “wildlife officials” did last Saturday. Trail BC is just 7 clicks away from the US boarder.

I’m not going to worry about my job any more, I can always get another one. Its not going to be the end of the world. I don’t see the place full every night and with all the past employees coming and going and those that seem to show up whenever they want, doesn’t bother me that much. Also, I don’t see a lot of stellar totals out there from my peers either. My place of employment seems to be like a revolving door. “lets use it as a point to something better.“ I don’t know how many people that get a “better job” only to come back to where I work for a couple of months and then leave again. There are these people that show up for a week and then you don’t see them for a month and they’re back again for another few days and off again. I’m just taking things day by day now. I go in put my 8 hours and leave but its when I‘m there and yes I get down because I get maybe 1 sale for the day. It‘s a tough job but it‘s something I can do, it‘s stability.

Last night about an hour before I got home, Anne called Earls and they had a jacket left over resembling mine. She went there about 8pm and picked it up for me just before she got home it began to rain and just before she got within a few feet from the outside door she got drenched by a bucket of rain, LOL, sorry Anne but thanks for rescuing my jacket. Anyway, that‘s about all I have for now. 

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