Monday, August 27, 2012

Not much going on today

I was checking out this documentary on The Money pit on oak island. Fascinating subject but when I went to my topics page, I discovered I have 2 topic pages and the video's I put in there somehow vanished. I probably for got to save them but I'll try again and fix them. But here's the 5 part YouTube documentary on the money pit. This is part 1 

Later this afternoon the Esks are in Toronto playing the Argo's. Should be a good game but on a Monday?  As far as I know this is the only game in the CFL schedule that is being played on a Monday night, why?

Over this last weekend the Fringe festival wrapped up and Sunday at Giovanni park the Italian cultural club had an East meets West festival where you could be "Italian for a day." Looks like they had a lot of fun. Anne and I were talking about taking a bus out there to the Italian bakery I'd like to go there because it's one of the few places that I know of that has off track horse race betting here in Edmonton.

With so many festivals going on the City crams them all into a 2 month time frame to take advantage of the kids out of school. They go back after the Labor Day weekend, then I can get my ETS LRT schedule back that takes a break from July 1st to the end of the Labor Day weekend. But there's enough festivals out there to go from May 1st to the Labor Day weekend.

I'm making slow progress in my book that I'm reading but I read a bit each day. I'll probably have about 4 books read by the end of the year when usually I'll have between 8-10. It's not a race or anything.

Other then the CFL game this evening, I'm watching Monday night Raw wrapping up a few things and bed. Anyway, that's about all for now. 

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