Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I composed this yesterday but here it is today

So I am waiting by the curb of the Kiss n’ ride by Ron’s big clown feet (Sunday). It’s 9am and very warm. Some cars are dropping folks off and picking up others. I’m checking the time expecting Dan to pick me up at any time. I checked and it was 9:35am. No Dan. I went to find the pay phones in Southgate mall and they were Bell pay phones. Ok. One pay phone is as good as the other right? I wasn’t even thinking along those lines. I was sweating in the heat even inside. I had his phone # in my address book in my iPad and some spare change. The Bell phone wouldn’t let me connect. 50 cents for call right? I tried Fort Edmonton Park’s office but I couldn’t get through. Looks like I’m going to have to run the show myself. I knew there was a shuttle bus to FEP from Campus station. I managed to call Dan from there and I asked him if he was ok. He had forgotten our FEP gig was Sunday. I told him I was at South Campus LRT and he had to park away from where I was and he found me and we were on our way, half an hour late.

We got the key and opened up and put the signs out and opened up the museum upstairs and began to play a couple rounds of crib. We played about 5 games during the afternoon as people came in and asked questions. I called Anne and had a brief talk and she was making me some ribs for supper last night. We must have had about 25 visitors and we left at 5pm when they were closing up the café  below us. I took a few photos of my day and some video. It was a good time.

This evening while I‘m watching Monday night Raw, I‘m going to be calling up all the brothers and (all 90 of them) and asking if they can make it out to the bbq (2pm) and what they want and to bring their own plates and cutlery. That way the only thing to clean up is the grill. Neil said there‘s going to be another bbq that the “Masters, Wardens and Deacons Association of Edmonton” are putting on at Freemason Hall Monday August 27th (this month) I saw that in the email Dan sent me last night. I don’t think I can go to that one. I could go to that one as all I need do is to let Anne know I’m going into work for 4 hours. I’ll get my 37.5 hours in and I’ll leave at 9pm catch the bus at Bay station and (next Monday) and I’ll still get my 37.5 hours in. I won’t need to dress in business dress for this one.

I called up a couple of guys already and I’m going to be calling some more this week. I think I’m going to  put some more minutes on my cell phone because I’ll need to be calling some guys at work.

The guys I'm going to call, are to remind them to bring their own cutlery. I'll call some more of them this week. I should have asked Neil to include "bring your own cutlery"in the last message but most of the people that have been out no this. Makes my job easier. 

Today, it's a full 8 hours and we're in for a heat wave this week but next week, we should be cooling down to a balmy +22. Warm but ok.

Nasa's Mars rover "Curiosity" had landed, apparently ok. That'd be cool if they had one of those drones aboard so they can fly it by remote control. Anyway, that's about it for now. 

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