Thursday, April 11, 2013

I had a bit of relief

from my dental pain earlier. if it persists throughout the day, then tonight after work I'm going into the medi clinic to get some 292's or something. 

So North Korea is on the verge of trying to incite a nuclear war. It seems that they have 2 missiles ready to launch but weather they are armed is anyone's guess. The US has anti missile defenses in the area to knock anything down. Many think that Kim Jong's military posturing is a show to win support over the N.Korean military. Anything is possible but what if those missiles are armed with nukes aimed at say South Korea or Tokyo? 

This is interesting. A mysterious stone structure found beneath Sea of Galileea The circular structure was first detected in a sonar survey of part of the sea in the summer of 2003.Rising nearly 32 feet (10 meters) high, it has a diameter of about 230 feet (70 meters). To put that in perspective, the outer stone circle of Stonehenge has a diameter just half that with its tallest stones not reaching that height. It appears to be a giant cairn, rocks piled on top of each other. Structures like this are known from elsewhere in the world and are sometimes used to mark burials. Researchers do not know if the newly discovered structure was used for this purpose. The above excerpt is from this site.

I didn't go out to Lodge last night opting to stay in although I'm considering Lodge tonight. I'm not sure yet depends on this dental pain I'm going through and I've got some memory work to do yest so I might just come home work on that instead, depends on how I feel.

Sigh, the Oiler's are on another losing streak,again.Thisis their 4th straight loss and their playoff picture isn't looking good. Matter of fact it looks dim! They have 8 games left, there is still a pulse beat. The good news is that 6 out of the 8 games are at the Rex. Also earlier yesterday City council approved the master agreement. They will put in 50% of the missing $100M if the Province puts in the rest but the Province has always said "no" to these kinds of things. Why not just take the other $50M out of the "Winter garden" portion of the arena and build that latter? It's almost a no brainier. I mean isn't the arena more important the "Winter garden?" Anyway, that's all for now.

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