Friday, May 6, 2016

I'm considering a

kvm (keyboard/video/mouse) switch, eventually. What this will do will allow me to run multiple computers on one monitor. It will also allow me to use the same keyboard and mouse on the same monitor switching back and fourth between operating systems. I saw a 4 port kvm switch at Best Buy for about $40. I've used a kvm switch before, and it worked great between both computers. That was about 10 years ago. However, that's packed away in a huge suitcase buried in the closest somewhere. The switch was about the size of a coffee cup rim with big bulky cabling. Next time I win any cash on black jack, I'm getting this switch.

Some more details are emerging out of Tuesday's massive fire in For McMurray. Hours ago the Alberta Government released $100M for evacuees. Adults will get about $1200 and children $500. Many evacuees will be getting a glimpse of the devastation too see what is left. A organized exodus began earlier this morning. This is the largest evacuation in Alberta's history. Its been quite a year.

So, today I'm out of here at 3pm. Note to self, don't take the #3 bus to work. I'm going to leave a bit earlier so I can get there 20 minutes before the shift. Hopefully, I'll have a full shift and a full shift Saturday. For whatever reason, my shift is cancelled, or I'm fired, I'll be at the other job tonight. I hate this. Ever since Xentel closed late 2012, keeping a job has been a struggle. I'm screwing up on my market research job, my other job is done on the 20th of this month. If Xentel hadn't closed I'd still be there today in the office right now. 1:30-9pm. I'd cut back when pension kicked in. Now I'm struggling to gain enough hours for a unemployment claim and keeping the job I have. And I have another 16 months of this crap? Ugh. Anyway, that's all for now.

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