Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Just before noon I'm increasing my pace to the bus stop just outside our place and at the lights there was my bus

to Clareview station. The Capital line from Clareview station to Bay station was slower (under overcast skies), then usual because of the city adding another set of tracks along track 1, which is from the South Side to Clareview. Track 2 is from Clareview to the South Side and underground through downtown. My stop was Bay station downtown. 

I had to go into the Baker clinic building and I thought I might as well confirm my Doctors appointment for this week but the reception was away. I went upstairs to the lab and after intake and a brief wait, I got my blood work done, then to the Doctors office again and confirmed I'm Thursday for 2:30pm. After a bit of a wait at Bay Station, my train to Clareview arrived and again the train was in Coast mode  out of the tunnel approaching Stadium. Slow going at about 25km. Uggh. The train only increased in speed after it left Belvedere Station. I got to Clareview at about 2:15pm and home by about 2:30pm. That whole trip should have taken me about an hour and 45 minutes, tops. The lrt needs to slow down when construction crews are working nearby. This sounds like a make work project for the City. I'm sure the project was in the budget but in all the years of ETS operation, its never needed this upgrade before. Most likely this will continue all summer.

I got on the phone to my boss. He said it doesn't look like there will be any work until next week. I'll be going to pick up my cheque anyway on Friday on this short work week, and I'm hoping we'll start Monday on the 30th. Anne was doing her stuff and I was watching the Pens/Tampa Bay hockey game until 9pm. I had a great night after that. I get a couple more sleeps but I need the work next week (or earlier) for that ei claim. So tonight its Saint Louis/SJ Sharks for game 6 and that's on my plate tonight. Anyway, that's all for now.

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