Saturday, March 25, 2017

I was fortunate to grow up as a teen

in the 1960's in the greater Vancouver area. In one of the Facebook groups I recently subscribed to, had a post that evoked a lot of memories: "What was your favorite radio or television personality?" As a teenager recovering from my back operation in 1968 (at the Vancouver General Hospital) I listened to a lot of local radio at home recovering from my operation. The music scene of the 1960's is well documented and I lived through that music history. I remember wanting to tune into either CFUN or Cfox, Ckvn. I couldn't remember the name of the DJ but he was a rare bread of DJ. He would often play the voice of a "guest." In this case a teenager named "Lance." In the Facebook group above I did not know the DJ's name (as of yesterday) but one of the thousands of "Nostalgic Vancouver's," members might. I got a response from a TD Mulligan. Wait now, that name is familiar. If it was the same Terry David Mulligan, a famous Vancouver DJ from the 1960's/70's. Apparently he is well known in this FB group. He told me the DJ based upon the info above is JB Shayne. That was my favorite disc jockey. The character according to TDM, was "Lance Chance." I lived through am radio in the 1960's. I recall when all the big named artists of the time would have their music play, twice an hour, if not more.

Late yesterday afternoon I went and got my cheque from my West End job and home shortly after 6pm. I could have picked it up last Friday but I was obviously busy. I began messing around last night with my Novation Circuit trying various ways of getting Fl. Studio to record midi from Circuit. It was working for awhile but then Fl. Studio crashed on me. It's not Fl. Studio's fault, its my 2009 dual core 4Gb ram laptop. I tried recording midi into Blocs wav but that only got the external Circuit sound. Not what I was looking for. I'm going to try using my old iRig midi hardware and connect that to the "free" iRig midi recorder app I picked up a month or so ago. Failing that its a field recorder in the fall. But I think this iRig solution should work to record the midi out of Circuit. That's my project for today before the Av's/Oilers game.

So apparently what all of this medical stuff Thursday/Friday, led up to was 15 hours in emergency community clinic just over here on 50th and 140th. It took 2 bags of iV blood thinners, urine sample, a chest x Ray for heart, and a abdominal x Ray, a ultra sound to determine that my abdominal discomfort Thursday was a result of a infected right toe. Its all tied together as one of the complications leading to diabetes. The ultra sound turned up negative, no blood clot in the leg. Negative on the urine sample, ok with the heart x Ray. Finally the prognoses was poor leg circulation. I'm now wearing suspension stockings and I need to go in for a PDA scan to be fitted for custom suspension stockings in May. Why 15 hours in emergency? All of the above needs to be "read" to form a picture and there is more then just me as a patient there. All of the above takes time. They wanted to keep me longer then the 15 hours I was there late Friday afternoon, but I was whining of being there to long. They said I'd need to come in every morning at 8am for iV therapy. That ended Wednesday. They put me on the oral version and now I have to take 2 capsules every 6 hours until the pills are finished, which should be sometime next week. Its no fun growing old.

So I'm back to work at my Southside job on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and at the market research job Thursday and Friday. Saturday I'm the Southside job but now more 8 hour days. the boss penciled me in for the 2 days next week. For now I've got the weekend off and relaxing. Anyway, that's all for now.    

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