Monday, September 11, 2017

Later this afternoon we're supposed to have

our ISP tech guy come into the suite to replace our modem. I'm trying to get a tech support answer without using the phone. I'm trying to get some info on Telus pure fiber. I need to ask if their pure fiber plan is over and above my current plan and how does the installation work? Most importantly is this the same modem we're getting today the same one that will connect to Telus pure fiber? I kind of doubt it. We'll have to wait and see. Their best fiber plan is $50/month. I don't see where we have to pay twice.

The aftermath of hurricane Harvey and Irma have been making front page news a lot this weekend. The weather has at least given us a break from Donald Trump, and his shenanigans. My wife tuned out the weather news and watched the Canadian country music awards instead. I've been doing research on Eurorack modular stuff. A lodge brother said he would be happy to lend his carpentry skills, so I'm going to see if he can build me a 2 rack modular 35" skiff. I'd rather play with modular synths, and Nintendo gaming any day then watching Trump, Putin, or Kim Jong-un what's his face. And no I'm not a Game of thrones, or a master chef guy watcher. Although ask me to surrender my wrestling, Oilers, Eskimo football, and You Tube, them is fighting words. I'd rather watch "Andy Griffith, Hogan's Heroes, Star Trek and Star Wars thanks then watching political theatre and weather. Yeash, where did all that come from? Ahem.

This week we have the cable guy coming in for today. I've got to call in Wednesday to see if the boss has any work form me this week or next. I've got to make my payment to my music store for Circuit. Saturday I'm off to Ft. Edmonton Park to do some lodge stuff paying a visit to another lodge. I'm looking forward to that. I'll be missing the Esks/Argo's game but this has more significance for me. Anyway, that's all for now.   

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