Wednesday, September 20, 2017

This morning closing in on

around 11am I got a missed call from the office, then another call (which I caught) from the office. I'm back to work for Thursday and at least Friday for Friday 4-9. Nothing is planned for next week but if we have some hours Saturday, I just might go in. I've been off for ~ 12 weeks now. At the end of the month Anne and I are splitting my hours. I get half the bill gets the other half, no matter the amount. So yes, I could use the hours.

My heart goes out to the Mexican people affected by the earthquake Tuesday. The death count is above 220. Mexico has had over a dozen earthquakes this year. Most of them have been small compared to Tuesdays. First we have hurricane Harvey, then Irma and Maria and others are out there closing in fast and now this. All we now is a asteroid to hit us, yeesh.

My Apple headphones aren't the greatest but they've held up longer then the Marley's and others that I've had over the years. I'm considering a pair of bluetooth headphones. I refuse to shop anywhere online. I support local business only. I don't mind paying $120-180 for a good rated pair of bluetooth headphones. I'm considering a pair of these before anything else. There are some local retailers that have some nice affordable blue tooth headphones that are rated pretty high. I'm tired of headphone cords that bunch up like this:

I'm enjoying my Wednesday night off. Its not very warm out there on a overcast rainy night at +6C. We're not getting much rain here in Clareview across the street from Bo didlies. Its supposed to warm up to about +11 this week. Anyway, that's all for now.

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