Monday, July 30, 2012

Last night and early this morning

mosquitoes were in here eating me alive, still are and we have them until about the end of August, lovely. They come in because Anne doesn't close the big screen window because she like to have the cats access to the balcony but they don't go out much and my screen window in my office is broken.

So the City received the word from the people to change the name of our Summer exhibition from Capital X back to K-days. Just over 51,000 Edmontonians voted. I can't recall what the other top 4 names were but they received something like 1,500-4,000 votes but the big jump was for K-days at about 36,000! Talk about a landslide. This doesn't mean that the popular Sunday Klondike promenade where Sunday Jasper Ave would be full of people dressed in Klondike garb or even the k in the "K-days" means Klondike days will return. This was just a name change. Capital X was a stupid name anyway. I think one of the names was EdFest and I liked that name as well.

it's going to be another hot one today as temperatures are supposed to climb to about +28C out there. I don't mind the hot weather but I like weather here in Edmonton to be anywhere from +5-+20. Anything in there is fine with me.
I've had this electric guitar for a week now and I can play a couple of power chords and that's really all I need. Saturday after work, I'm back to LM to see about getting a device to strengthen my fingers called a Grip master and if they have them a Spider Capo's. Then it's off to Harvey's for a bite to eat across the street up to Rexall drugs for a bag of chips and a 6/49 ticket then to Future shop for an iTunes gift card. I'm going to buy the gift card and let them peal the numbers off for me. I could get the iTunes gift card from Rexall but they probably don't know at Rexall how the gift cards numbers peal off like Future shop. Then when I get home, I want to buy Vol.1 & 2 of The New Avengers.

I need a week off and most likely it will be around the labor day weekend. This way I'll get an extra couple of days thanks to the  long weekend and get paid for the  long weekend because I'll be on my holidays.

Tonight it's Monday night Raw, show 1001 and I'll wind my weekend down with that and work through a couple of video's James from the office sent me.
The good news is that Dan and I are synced up for Fort Edmonton Park for next Sunday. That's going to be enjoyable as always. If your in the area, drop by and say hello. We're above the cafe there upstairs across from the fire hall. There's a sign on the sidewalk. It's open to the public. Anyway, that's about all from me for today.

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