Sunday, July 1, 2012

in weeks but at least it wasn't a total washout as I got my only sale on a card but it made for a long 6 hour shift yesterday.

I was so exhausted and maybe that's why I didn't have a good day on the job but I met my colleagues after for a beer and some Laughs. I needed to use Tim's bathroom badly and got double chocolate donut for my ride home trying to catch up on the Justin Schultz deal the Oiler's made to get him. It was a good day for the Oiler's and signing Ryan Smyth for a 2 year contract. The only question now is our goal tending. Everything else is in place.

When I got to Clareview station in the +26* heat and seeing the score on the Argo's/Esks game I decided to walk over to Future Shop look around and buy a set of cheep headphones. I paid $10 and headed home. I was sweating so bad I had a shower. After that I had bite to eat and watched the last of the Argo/Esks game. Esks won 15-19. 
Anne called and we had a chat and I tried going to bed for a nap but it wasn't going to happen. I relaxed until Anne came home and had some lunch and had a nice evening.

Earlier I began working on my track but I discovered when I opened the FL Studio file for my track my wav files vanished. Then I realized that I need to have the tracks recorded. Yeesh. 

Anne left to Pet Smart to get some cat food down the end of the block and when she comes home, she's going to start laundry and make breakfast and I might catch the Montreal/Stamps CFL game for latter. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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