Tuesday, April 19, 2016

At the moment its partly cloudy

and a bit on the hazy side out there, so it looks like I won't need a jacket going into work later today. I might get a ride home if Joyce is there tonight. She wasn't last night. I was still home in time to catch wrestling and spend some time with Anne out on the balcony enjoying some nice Spring/Summer air. 

I'm not a fitness aficionado but Anne went over here to the Clareview rec centre with our notice of assessment (noa) yesterday. She's had the application for a low income adult pass for awhile now. It gives us unlimited use of the facility like the pool, hot tub and sauna and maybe some of the work out facilities as well but I'm not entirely sure. The Goodlife fitness people opened up a 24 hour fitness centre in the old Clareview movies location 20 feet from Best Buy recently but Goodlife appeals to a different demographic then the Clareview leisure centre, which has  more then just fitness. From my understanding of this low income leisure pass is, its 75% off not free to use the pool hot tub etc but I could be wrong. They prepare 2 separate passes including photo id if we are approved. When Anne had the car up until about 2002 we would go to the East Glen pool near Rexall for their Saturday evening adult swim. We liked using the hot tub and sauna. Its good that the City offers these passes to low income, other wise these annual passes are about $500-$600/year and out of reach. If I had time, I'd go pretty much every day. At the moment, I'm more concerned about work over the next couple of months. If I have a ei claim and a couple months off, this summer, (which I'm hoping for) I'd be going pretty much every day and have my evenings off. Anne applied for our pass, which apparently takes 6-8 weeks to process. We should get notification of this by about the middle of June.
There's a good chance I'll be back to my 3 and 3 days again between the 2 jobs. My other job is back (apparently) next Thursday or Friday. I'll have enough for a ei claim if I can work to the end of June. Anyway, that's all for now.

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