Saturday, February 4, 2017

Am I missing something here

or is it just me in my idealistic bubble? What's wrong with the world these days, with all of this hatred? I'm a product of the 1960's and that's not what we we're about. Killing people because they do not practice the same religion as you or their culture is different, is myopic, divisive and counter productive. It shows cave man thinking at its root cause. People need to grow up and quit behaving in a Neanderthal manner. Where and how do we make good men better, and by this I mean better husbands, better fathers, better members of the community? It seems to me we need to make the world a better place for all. Here is one way as a man, you can do this in your community.

I've been tinkering around with a online video editor for making You Tube intro's to my music channel Shannon Sounds. It was my super that came up with the name. That's 2 things to improve my music channel recently: iPod camera stabilization and movie intro's. The intro I have posted is in its early stages of development. More on this later. 

I don't know what's going on with the Oilers. They are on a 3 game losing streak on the road and a bi week ahead of them. They play on Sunday in Montreal. With 25 games or so left, it doesn't take much to go from 5th-9th. If the Oilers are still in 5th place in the West, I'd be very surprised.  

Anyway, I've got a long day ahead of me but the way things were going last night I could have a shorter day then I thought and to be honest,  I wouldn't mind a early start to the weekend. Anyway, that's all for now.

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