Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I left myself enough time (from yesterday)

 to leave out of here in the morning arriving into the office at 11:50am. Perfect. Upstairs I got things together and went to the Pharmacy to check Proline and the CFL odds were not posted for the weekend. Just as well. In the afternoon the boss was coming around asking CFL fans in the office if any of us wanted to go to the rubber match Calgary/Edmonton as the company is paying for it. There’s about 13 of us going. So we leave out of the office after work with our checks and I’m going to my bank and then we’re going to go to this bar that has the tickets and it comes with a bus ride to the game that starts at 7pm. Perfect. I haven’t been out to an Eskimo game since 1989 and I wasn’t into it as much as I am now. This should be fun.

I had a really slow start to the evening. There were about 6 of us on BOB and I had no sales all night. Now I know how Henry Burris must have felt, my favourite QB player in the CFL. Unfortunately he plays for the Stamps. Finally it was about 8:30pm I got my first sale for $25. No problem. Whenever I sit beside Chris, he usually jinks’ me. Also, to complicate issues, I had a crappy headset that kept on shorting out on me and the guy on the other side of our diallers kept on kicking the paneling which shut my system down a couple of times. He‘s the same guy that swiped my headset just before the 5pm-9pm shift began as I went to call Anne.

I was glad to get out of the office at 9pm and I walked with one of my coworkers along Jasper heading West to Corona and had a chat with him. Some of the guys were waiting for the train. I rode with them as far as Belvedere station. I rode home the rest of the way alone and had a wait at Clairview on the #183 and home. .

I explained to Anne because we have that big Epcore bill to pay I thought maybe it wont be a good idea for me to go to the game Friday but Anne talked me into it. I have my stat pay and we also have out GST check soon. I‘m paying Anne a bit more out of my weekly check for the next 3 checks so that should be ok. I probably wont be able to get anything for my music until about October. Unless of course I win big on my CFL picks.

Speaking of which there‘s somebody in the background sharing my facebook photo a co-worker also into Proline and he picked BC/Toronto, BC to win and Winnipeg/Riders Riders to win, and Montreal/Hamilton Hamilton to win. He also added a College football game in there with Seattle. He was considering the Edmonton Calgary game with Calgary to win but decided against that game for the College one. His odds were something like 31. something and he bet $5 which all for paid out correctly to win $155 bucks. Not too shabby. From now on, I‘m betting $5 on my 4 CFL games. He should have picked Edmonton to win and I knew he was thinking about it but thought better of it. He would have won big time on it.

Anyway I have a day off tomorrow. I mentioned to Jay and he agreed. What a way though to go out with 1 sale on the board. Ok, that’s about all for now.

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