Sunday, September 4, 2011

I barely managed to catch my bus outside

my apartment this morning.

What kind of bugs me on my first commute on the way in is when co workers decide to join me as I’m trying to read. At least they carried the conversation. I managed to get a Tim‘s breakfast of a breakfast egg sausage muffin 2 hash browns and a diet cola. I had that in the office and preceded to begin the shift. Danny and I did taps for the morning and “Bob” semies all afternoon. I was happy the first 4 hours were over. One of the guys and I were going over Proline picks, I‘m going to get mine at the 7-11 just near the office a few blocks away from Audrey‘s. My first ticket didn’t do very well but I‘m hoping to win on my 2nd ticket tomorrow. All 3 CFL games, $4.

At the break after I went over to Audrey‘s for some September afternoon Sun and I got 2 books. I was happy George RR Martin‘s book 4 of the “Game of Thorns” series was there and I picked up the last of the A Lee Martinez book. Just before the 2nd half I quickly called Anne and had a brief chat and worked the last 2 hours out. Kingsley let me try his headphones and I wrote down the brand name. They seemed to be ok. I was considering heading over to the 7-11 a few blocks away to get a another Proline ticket before I head out to Wendy’s but I was kind of wiped out. I got the #2 bus but the driver said it was only a downtown $2 and it wasn’t going to Clairview. I got off on Jasper Ave across the street from Soby’s for a 10 minute wait and a leisurely ride in to 131 Ave and 50th street where I got off the bus and walked at the set of lights Wendy’s. I ordered the Baconator again only this time with their cheddar cheese instead of their regular cheese. The cheddar one is nothing to write home about, that’s for sure. After my meal I went to the lights at 136th and 50th and at the church there I noticed the bus by Sifton school. The driver said my transfer was good and it took my around 50th street and East along 137th Ave. The set of red lights by my place let the driver give me the OK to get off before the light changed. That was nice and easy.

After a quick bath room break I called Future shop. They were open until 9pm and had the headphones I wanted. I grabbed $40 in case they were $21 with tax. I hurried home and opened the package. They work great but the only problem is I need the volume at almost 90%.

I had a great day. I had a nice Tim’s breakfast. Work went along smoothly. I got 2 free books from Audrey‘s, a nice meal at Wendy‘s and a new pair of headphones. What would have been even better would be to have 2 days off. I‘m only doing this Sunday shift because of the stat pay Monday as I don’t want to lose it. It‘s going to be worth about $70 to me add onto my check. I‘d like to save up for Melodyne editor. There are other programs I want to get also, like Mixcraft 5 because it is one of the few DAW‘s that include a notation component to it. And I want MM17 and a few other programs. I‘m tired but no worse for ware and a short 5 hours shift for Sunday and home all day Monday and half a shift Tuesday.
5 hour shift ahead of me today but it should go fast.

Facebook seems to have been "fixed", if it was ever broken from the beginning but it didn't seem to want to work for me.

Yesterday I put in a 6 hour shift and today I'm putting in 5 more and Tuesday as well only for the stat pay. Any Other time, I'm anticipating my checks Saturdays.

There's been lots of talk lately about the Keystone pipeline proposal in Washington. Hollywood stars have been protesting, people as young as children to seniors as well have been taken away in handcuffs. They're trying to stop the pipeline that would send them millions of barrels of oil from Alberta to Houston to be refined there. Some Americans like Al Gore (remember him?) are calling Alberta "dirty oil." He came out to greet some of the protesters and shook hands on the protest 2 week stand. Americans it seems would rather get their oil from the Middle East, which is "Conflict oil." One just has to follow the money to see whats going on here. The opponents of the Keystone pipeline don't seem to have worked this through: If they stop the pipeline, where will they get the oil they need? I mean 1+1 still = 2 right? Celebrities that are protesting are obviously doing it to raise their own profile, that much is obvious. So lets examine briefly some of the elements behind the protest of the Keystone pipeline. Firstly there's Israel. Israel needs to have the Americans in the Middle East. Buying oil even from Israel's enemies is still good business for Israel and means that Israel is still relevant in the Middle East. Second: Oil companies have invested huge amounts of money in places like Libya and Iran. By obtaining oil from Alberta is bad for their bottom line. Finally, there are local environmentalists here like Greenpeace who feel that if they can't get anything locally, then they'll go internationally. The thing is I don't think these protesters have worked this out in their minds. They're just going through the emotional aspects of oil and not looking at the big picture. Personally I don't care if the pipeline gets built or not. Alberta is also planing on building a pipeline across BC to Vancouver and Prince Rupert in the next few years to Chinese and Asian markets like North Korea.

Anyway, I'm up at 10am this morning as I want to leave out of here a bit early so I can go get my proline ticket for the Bomber/Riders game, and the other 2 Monday games, so that's about all for now.

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