Friday, February 3, 2012

I needed to be prompted a few times and

I missed a part about labor to refreshment, which I didn't even know was part of the degree. My bad and I broke the gavel as well. But others were had to be prompted as well.

I got the scores on the hockey game from a brother through out the night and wow, the Oiler's sure do have Chicago's number. Sam Gagnre had 4 goals! The Oiler's won 8-4! Wow, I'm sure the Rexall faithful appreciated the effort and the W. 

I was going to mention this from last night but most people around the night, already know about Facebook going public. I use Facebook maybe once a week, if that.

Despite screwing a few things up and my attention drifted when they called me "JW" a couple of times but earlier I did say how if "I tune out its I've been having a bad had cold with some bronchitis." It was fun but I was off my night all while we had somebody from Grand Lodge there and a few guests. I screw up but so did a lot of others as well. Next month is going to be an easy meeting so I'm going to feel a lot better.

Next week, I'm working, Monday 4 hours, Tuesday 8, Wednesday 8, Thursday 8, Friday 7.5, Saturday 6. That's going to be: 41.5 hours. 

Coast has had a couple of boring sows this week but tonight is on ancient astronauts, so at least this could be a good show. 

Work is has been going slow for me lately. I got $100 in sales all day Wednesday and $45 in sales for half a day yesterday. One of the main things I'm getting is the customer is asking for a website for further information and they can make donations online. I had about 8 of those in a 4 hour shift yesterday. I also get this a lot, "If you send out information, we'll take a look at it." Then my colleagues around me are getting huge sales. At least on this one I'm able to get a few  sales in a shift. On the other one, I've been 2-3 days without a sale. It's time to get out of there and I'd love to get something other then telemarketing. Monday Anne and I are going down to Alberta Works and put our name in. Anyway, that's all for now.

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