Thursday, February 9, 2012

Since Monday night

its been really depressing around here what with losing Sparky Monday.

This year so far hasn't been very good to me/us. For me, it starts off with moving into this new office and I'm having trouble getting used to it. Then I go on holidays and I get this bronchial thing or whatever it is. When I come back from "vacation"I get a large amount of vacation pay and a voice in the back of my mind was telling me to hang onto as much of it as I could. Then my laptop breaks down (my fault) Then Anne loses some of her hours and then Sparky gets ill and dies on us. What has God got in store for me next? I believe it's going to get wore before it gets better.

I've got a full day of work today and I'm not feeling all that great with the death of Sparky still on my mind haunting me. the "good news" is I've got only 3 days and I'm off for Sunday and Monday.

This week I'm calling AW too see if we can get some income support and or some health benefits for me. My wife wants to find another job as well so maybe we can utilize their resources for us. I'm going to set us up an appointment for Monday.

Yesterday we had the inspectors here checking things over. They want to come in and fix up the taps and things.

If you have just joined this program in progress you might have seen some new window dressing. I added a photo of me in the description and added a couple of photos of my dearly departed: Pledges and Sparky, I love them so much.

I'd like to fix up the blog description and fill up a lot of the blue empty space there and add some photos underneath that. I'll ask the forums for some help soon. Right now, I'm still not over Sparky.

Hey, hey, I've got my 2nd follower to this blog. Welcome aboard. There's no words of wisdom to this site or anything but welcome just the same. I hope you find it entertaining. Anyway, that's all for now.

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