Wednesday, February 18, 2015

About 5pm yesterday afternoon

I get a call from the super at work asking me to come in Thursday at 3pm. Apparently (although I can not confirm or deny) we're doing training for the new project, but I imagine its so. I said I'd be there.

This has been in the works for awhile now. Mars One is launching a private initiative to send 24 people to Mars. The catch is that it's a one way mission. Mars One has received 200,000 applicants and has released its short list to 100 and there are several Canadians on that short list. The final group will consist of 24 individuals who will be split into six groups of four. One mission is scheduled to launch every two years starting in 2025. That's in 10 years. With a projected $6 billion price tag for each of the six planned launches, Mars One will need all of the funding it can muster. The non-profit group plans to raise additional money through sponsorship and the finalists consist of 50 men and 50 women. They come from all over the world and range from 19 to 60 years old and most would speak English. Lots of people think this is a gimmick. For what its worth, I didn't make the short list.

Most of the schools I went to in the 1960's are still standing. Except 1, Austin Heights. I have a few memories of this school. Some good, some quasi traumatic. For the longest time, I always thought this school was on the corner of Austin and Schoolhouse Road. Thanks to the Facebook group I'm in I learned today the school was on Austin and Nelson. Apparently it was torn down and made way for a strip mall. The school's last year was either 1983 or '84. We're not sure yet. The strip mall is still there. Anyway, that's all for now.

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