Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I'm out of here about

2:30pm as I have a Doctor's appointment at 3:30pm downtown off of Bay Station. I was a no show twice before and any more of these and I could lose this Doctor. I need to get a pcn referral renewed to help cover for my insulin and some medication refilled.

I'm in for a 4 hour shift but beyond Friday I don't know whats going on. I might have to take short term telemarketing job for the next 2 weeks. If I don't have any work for the next two weeks and rent for March is looming we'll be in trouble. I have  a small cheque for the 20th. Plus we have our household bills to pay. We have an ongoing project but when that's getting under way is anyone's guess. I heard Tuesday but the schedual is really thin this week. Something is going to have to give. I don't like living like this. I'm being patient but my patience is wearing thin. I miss the old Xentel days where I was more or less guaranteed my hours and I didn't have to submit a schedule for my availability every week and I got a pay cheque every Friday. The job I have now is good, when I'm on full pension but that's a few years away. 

I'm messing around with Instagram and I included a widget but I might remove it because it's stretching out the band width. I'm not sure if I like Instagram but my Flikr account is broken. This will do until I get it repaired. Anyway, that's all for now.

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