Monday, April 13, 2015

My Sunday consisted of the following

and in no particular order: Reading my Warhammer 40K book, answering email, music production research on YouTube, Connect2Edmonton message board, that sort of thing.

My cold seems to be on the mend. Sunday morning I was having a sinus-phlegm coughing attack. It began to abate after I drank a lot of cold diet cola. My voice is about 70% back to normal. It should be back by Friday at the latest. Now Anne has laryngitis and talks with a whisper.

This weekend has been cold and windy. Hopefully by the weekend we'll get up to some +16's and without that howling wind. It'd be nice to get some sunny skies in there was well.

Sunday the Oiler players were at Rexall cleaning out their lockers before they get on the course, putters in hand. What a disaster of a season. That's a 9 year drought of not making the playoffs. At least we did not finish in last place. The playoffs begin Wednesday Ottawa/Montreal. My prediction for this year: A Canadian team in the East and Saint Louis in the West with Saint Louis to win overall. 

I'm in the office from 4-9:30pm all week as we have a new project apparently Monday. which is apparently supposed to keep us going until the end of May. We may also be doing some political stuff as well because the upcoming Provincial election May 5th. So basically it's a 4-9:30pm thing Monday-Friday and Saturday 10-6pm. There's no Doctors appointments, no lodge. Just a straight Monday-Friday work week. Anyway, that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. spello fun game
    Listen to the spoken word and enter it's Correct Spelling! (Dictation Game)
