Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I've been trying since Sunday to

compose a short music video using Gadget but these hours are really draining me. I don't mind project when I'm actually able to talk with someone and do a survey but with the afternoon sample rate we have 80% of my calls are all not in service and or answering machines. And its not just me, its my colleagues as well. They're going through the same thing as me. And when I do get someone they don't qualify. It gets better after 5pm. Its not the project its the sample that they give us, uggh. I hope I get these hours next week but I wont know until Friday. My wife keeps saying to me, its not forever.

While growing up in the 1960's in Coquitlam BC, I don't recall ever going to the circus. I'm sure the circus came to Vancouver. I was shocked when I heard that Ringling brothers circus is about to cease operations and close its doors. They have about 140 shows remaining. Operation costs are squeezing the show down. I'm sure that's happening to WWE. . 

Our fantastic mid January weather keeps on going. At the moment its +2 and the forecast for this afternoon is a high of
+6, And it looks tomorrow is going to be good as well but slides off for the weekend at around -3 -1 then the weather picks up next Wednesday to about +4. So January roars in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. February could be cold but if its like under -10, that's ok to take.Sun sets at 4:50, so the days are getting a bit longer.

I've been trying to get out of here a bit early to get my Space marine Battles book. If I can get the just before 9pm bus I can hook up with one of the guys from Audrey's and ride in with him. We're the same age. He's February and I'm August. I'm hoping to leave out of here at 11:30 and catch something about 11:45. So tonight, I'm following the Florida Panthers/Oilers game. I've got a small window at Corona to get the scores. The 3rd period should be underway as I'm waiting for my train. Anyway, that's all for now.

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