Monday, December 26, 2011

Doctor Who "Widow and the wardrobe" was great. Matt Smith with his interpretation of Doctor Who is making it his own. You can tell he's having fun with it. I hope he goes on this series for a long time.

I knew Friday night leaving the office, I was catching a bug. The early signs were there. I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. When I go back to work this time next week, I should all be but done with it.

Coast had a good show on for Christmas night, which is odd because most of the time they have canned Christmas music and Coast is suspended for about 3-4 days. I'm glad they (630 Ched) realize that the Coast audience doesn't stop for Christmas. I'm sure there have been a lot of times over the years that stranded Christmas eve airline passengers wish Coast was on. Lots of people still have to work the night shift.

This year we lost some major celebrities. I gathered a partial list out of this site. There is very little love lost here in the West over Kim Jong Ill. one caller on Coast this morning suggested that the North Korean dictator was murdered by his son who is now occupying the seat of power. Some believe that the military was behind his murder. Then there was just recently 12/18/11: Playwright and President of both Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel died in his home at the age of 75. I felt especially sad over the passing of Harry Morgan but he had a good life living well into his 90s. Although I never read her books she was a literary heavyweight 11/21/11: Notable author of such Science Fiction book series as "Dragonriders of Pern" , Anne McCaffrey, died from complications due to a stroke. She was 84 And it was a real shocker when Bill Kane passed away on 11/8/11: Creator of the long-running newspaper comic "Family Circus", Bill Keane passed at the age of 89. I wasn't a fan of Boxing but Joe Frazier will be well remembered in the boxing world. Andy Rooney was more of an American thing and even though I caught many of his commentaries they made me laugh and ponder 9/10/11: Oscar-winning actor Cliff Robertson, best known to modern audiences as Uncle Ben from the "Spider-Man" films, died just one day after his 88th birthday. Then there was Betty Ford, founder of the Betty Ford clinic. We lost Peter Falk from the Columbo series. My mom always used to like him, me to. Another shocker for me was hearing the news in the Spring about Macho man Randy Savage. Then there was Jackie Cooper from the Superman films. Osama Bin Ladin (yeaaaa!) I hope that fucker rots in hell. I'm saddened by the loss of Elisabeth Sladen starred as the beloved companion to the Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, in the long-running Doctor Who. She passed away at 63. She had returned to the Doctor Who franchise during David Tennant's run as the doctor and spun off into her own series, The Sarah Jane Adventures. We lost Elizabeth Taylor. Michael Gough or--as most people know him--Batman's butler Alfred Pennyworth in the Batman films died at the age of 94. Jane Russel passed away,Best known for her roles in the 1950s science-fiction film "Forbidden Planet" and the 1960s television series Honey West died on complications from pancreatic cancer. She was 80 and of course who can't forget losing Steve Jobs. There are a lot more I could name, like Amy Winehouse lots of rappers but these people did not make an impression on my consciousness.

Anne went out to get some things like Christmas cake and other treats because it was boxing day. There are a lot of good deals out there. If the sale is still on tomorrow, I'm going to run over to the Clareview Pharmacy and pick up a couple of plugins Image line has on for 50% off for all registered Image line customers of which I am one due to buying FL. Studio in August and Groove Machine in October.

Tonight I'm watching a bit of the Oiler game and some wrestling. I'll switch back and forth. Anyway, that's about all for tonight.

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