Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For some reason

unknown to me, my Blogger link was removed or replaced and it took me almost half an hour searching for it. Waste of time or what?

Ok, the Oiler's are back to their losing ways again. They'll be at the bottom of the conference by February. Why so negative Jim? Well, they've won only 2 games on their last 10 and they always get these long breaks in between games and they either get injured or a game suspension. It's not so much the team its just in general. Watch, in 2012, they will be last place again and will get another first round pick. They play again I think on Thursday (Wild) Boxing day.

At least the weather is nice. This time last year we had a foot of snow on the ground and around -20. Now we have a little snow and I can see grassy patches and its about +1 out there. Crazy.

The environmental movement in the US and in some cases here in Canada are trying to axe the Keystone pipeline. What I don't get is why do they want to stop a oil resource that's friendly to the US, will create jobs and a steady supply of oil, something they need anyway. The Republicans are in favour of it. It's good for Americans and us. Everyone wins in this. The US environmentalists think that by acquiring Alberta oil the process of researching alternate clean energy types will be suspended but what they don't seem to get (or maybe they do) is that until those alternate forms of energy can be found, they still need energy/oil. Talk about clueless. The other thing is this current movement is obviously orchestrated by the big oil companies because they'd lose revenue from middle east oil. One only has to follow the money but these environmentalists can't see the forest for the trees. When gas at the pump is like $5/gallon, then they'll want our oil. Meanwhile, we're in nogotiations with China to sell our oil and I think we got the green light to build a pipeline to Prince Rupert.

Well, at at it for another 8 hours. I've already got 5 in the bank and 32 on the way. Anyway, that's about all for now.  

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