Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not a lot of time today

to compose a post this morning, not that there's a lot going on for today.

So why bother?

Well, firstly I haven't been in here since Sunday and I've got about 15 minutes to ramble on before I get on with my day and reading is too much for me to grasp right now just waking up and all.

I've got my first coffee here this morning and I had about 6 hours of sleep. Although I could use another 3 hours but I also need to put in some hours this week at work but at the same time I want to go in for Saturday at Commercial Lodge at Freemason's Hall. They Tyle at 1pm and it's their Installation and my friend Neil and (our Lodge WM) will be the organist. Not just that but if I put in the full week, this is my Sunday shift week. Sunday afternoon would mean I'd put in 43 hours and I'd be wiped out. Taking Saturday off only gives me 32 hours but next week I'll be doing a 43 hour shift, which will show up on the 23rd. That's when I break for 10 days. But then because we lost our regional manager I'm wondering if the RM has to sign it. In, which case I might not be able to take my vacation this year. I should talk about this with J. Our RM resigning might conflict with with me taking my week off like it did with my raise, which I didn't get yet. So, I need to bring this to J's attention today.

Yesterday while checking on YouTube for VSts and drum machines, I came across a cool piece of kit called BPM by Mark of the Unicorn. Other wise known as MOTU. I wanted to check at our 2 most popular music stores and their online sites to see if it's available here, instead i found Cakewalks reissue of their Z3ta synth priced at $103! I'll most likely pick this up in the new year as well as BPM. I don;t think they have the new version, that has the larger sound library. I'm also looking at Akai's Mpd32 drum and sound bank pad. It complements the BPM. Here's what the BPM looks like:

Anyway, that's all for today.

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