Sunday, January 8, 2012

I can breath a bit easier now

for a bit. I did a lot better sales wise yesterday. I was beginning to think I couldn't sell anymore.

At first I thought well this is my Sunday in but upon looking at my calendar, my last Sunday was last December 18th. On the 25th and New Years (Sunday's) I was on holidays. Technically this is my Sunday off but next Sunday I go in for the 15th because I have Lodge on the 21st (3rd Sunday) So I'm ok for a couple of days off.

I'm still thinking about that laptop. It's a quad core i7, which is about the best out there. The version I was looking at is has 8 Ram and a 750Gb hard drive for just over $600. It's a sweet deal but I'm sure something better is out there just around the corner like the 6/8 cor with 2.27 transistor count.

Now I'm not entirely on board with this story (considering where it came from ) but this week it was mentioned that as a young man in his early 20's Obama was part of a secret CIA project to explore Mars. The future President apparently was teleported there, along with the future head of DARPA in 1981-1983 and he went twice. US President Obama with help from the CIA was of all things, teleported to Mars! However the White house denies the story. Question: Why would the White house even deny the story? Read more>>>

Anyway, I hope to get a lot of reading done this weekend on A game of thrones. Anyway, that's all for now.

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