Wednesday, May 28, 2014

At this point you might be asking yourself

why is he blogging at this hour? Is he using a computer at work? It's not lunchtime. What's going on?

I'm back evenings at my tm job 4-9, so I have a few hours to myself before I leave out of here at 3pm this afternoon. Same for tomorrow, I hope. I just wasn't working out during the day. Most of my tm day colleagues have tap lists that they built over the years. The new people don't last because they don't have their own tap lists to sustain any kind of a meaningful line hour. The current tap shooters increase their tap lists on the backs of the new people that get the odd sale but cant cut it past the 3 days the boss gives them. I lasted a lot longer then some of my colleagues from my old job: 3 full days and 2 half days. They got some good campaigns but staff are fighting for source. Tonight I'm calling a national campaign, cold. .

I called my mr boss earlier and and I've got signed up for June 4th, 6th, Saturday. I'm at the tm job Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Then at the mr Job it's Wednesday, (Thursday is lodge) Friday, Saturday. That depends on the supervisor sending me out the schedule on Friday. I have 1 day off next week and I'm at lodge and we break for the summer, yea!

So, I've got a couple of busy days ahead and with only one day off next week and that's lodge. Even then I need to go into the PCN at Northgate and drop off some papers return home, get ready and head out to lodge.

At the moment its a overcast day out there +11. Anyway, not much else is going on today. That's all for now.

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