Friday, May 15, 2015

Not that I'd ever go see

BB King in person if he was here. He passed away at the age of 89. He died in his sleep Thursday. I can relate to BB King only because he was diabetic. Still to live to 89 while being diabetic gives me hope. Yet Anne's sister Rose died from diabetes at the age of 68. I could go tomorrow or live to my 80's like BB King. As for his music, not a lot of people play the blues like he did. 

Talk about not seeing the forest before the trees kind of thing: Its all fine and well to have studio monitors and all but what about audio capture? I always thought my iPod touch would pick up the audio. Maybe that would be ok for audio voice dictation but not to pick up audio from my monitors. I'm going to try just my iPod but chances are I'll need a field recorder. I've been looking at a few like the Sony and Roland H2's. If my iPod can pick up the audio ok, I might just stick with that and or get the iRig mic. It could be a cheap solution to record my jams without the use of a computer. 

A little on the breezy side today. We haven't had any rain or very little. This month. Hopefully we'll get some rain overnight but not on my morning commute tomorrow. It seems though that Saturday's shift will be short because of the long weekend. In a way I hope so. It'll give me 2.5 days off. Anyway that's all for now.

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