Thursday, May 28, 2015

When I get a cold virus it

usually begins with a soar throat and then ramps up to a full scale cold. Now I've got phlegm and coughing attacks. I went through a whole package of Halls cough drops in one evening. All this and I have my X-ray to go to in about 5 hours. Plus I have a 5.5 hour shift. What bugs me is that this is the 2nd cold I've had within the last 2 months. I got this from a colleague that sits in the cubicle beside me. Lots of people have this. 

One of the scariest things going on now is swatting. This is where telephone hackers hack into someones phone and call 911. In this case in a Toronto neighborhood the hacker called Police saying a man inside has an assault rifle and shooting people. Authorities can probably track these crank calls through an isp. Its one of the latest and scariest things going on. There was a high profile case before this where a teen made numerous fake 911 calls all over North America. He was caught and is facing serious charges. You can read more about it here.

I decided to meet Anne at Bay station after work and I noticed this lrt train running with dimmer lights. It said "not in Service." So this is the Metro line official testing Connect 2 Edmonton has been talking about recently. I've been waiting to see these trains for a couple of days now. Its a positive step forward for a soft opening date. The Mayor hasn't said anything official yet. Most likely it will be a photo op with the new NDP premier at a press confernece and a chance to plug valley line and remind the Province of its previous commitments.  

Anyway, I'm going back to bed and try and sleep. Maybe if I turn the fan off, it might make a difference, I don' t know.  on a side note before bed, it began to rain on the way home last night. Even though it was a light rain, hopefully more to follow but not on my trip to the X-ray in a few hours. Anyway, that's all for now.

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