Friday, June 3, 2016

Since I've been seeing my wifes family

Doctor in 2010 my weight gain has gone up by 6 lbs. I'm weighing in currently at about 246 lbs. Since I'm drinking less sugar pop and more water, in 6 months from now (my next Doctors visit) I'm sure my weight will go down. My previous Doctor was in the West end Terra Losa shopping centre. A long way out from Clareview. My Doctor's office today made the transfer at that time. If it wasn't for this doctor, I never would have known about the PCN and how without adult health benefits get free insulin. Canada has recently a shortage of family Doctors over the years, so I'm lucky i was able to get this Doctor.

That's one thing I never developed was a drive for success when I was younger. My life was almost like in a daydream state growing up. My scoliosis and the subsequent back operation when I was 15 pretty much sucked the life out of me. I just went with the flow before that. When dad had work I'd get a allowance of $2/2 weeks would be like $20 in value today. I learned in a hurry after my condition would determine my life. I'm sure if I was surrounded by professional people, I'd turn out that way as well, maybe a Lawyer, who knows? In the early 1970's my folks moved here to Edmonton. I thought I'd stay behind, finally out away from the nest, and carve out a life for myself. Our family was working class, and with 5 kids in the family, my marks in school were average, I had no desire at the time to excel in anythig. I thought school was something you had to go through with in life. There would be lots of time to figure the rest out later. My back operation in 1967 determined my course in life. before my back operation I didn't know what my options were, but I think I wanted to join the navy. Marks and school were not important right? They'd train you for everything in the navy. How hard was it to be a deck hand? That summer of 1967 when mom noticed me hunched over, determined her worst fears. I don't blame her for that. That was the hand I was dealt.1969 was my recovery year. I was going to school grade 8 in a body cast from my waist to my neck. Life however has been kind to me. Sure I have regrets and chances that I've blown, stuff happens in life I get that. Life doesn't owe me anything. I often imagine what might have happened if in my early grades I woke up out of the day dream I was in and said to myself something like, "This is important. What I do here today will have a bearing on my life." Ah, what might have been.

Yesterday while doing some networking I got a job lead. I had my resume but it was a MS Word doc. I needed to register at this place and set up a profile. Apparently I needed to upload my resume to the profile. That's when Anne had interrupted me on Face Time. Yesterday afternoon I found a online pdf converter program. So, I converted the program to a pdf refreshed my desktop and uploaded the resume to the profile. The job is days. If I get called in for a interview, and hired for the training, I'll do their minimum of 20 hours/week and my evening job, which should (fingers crossed) come to an end by the end of June. Then work the new job. Its unionized as well. I doubt I'll get it but, who knows? I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, I'm good to go in for tomorrow morning, its a full day. Anyway, that's all for now.   

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